EARNT Terms of Service

 EARNT brings people and brands together to get good things done. By dedicating your time to supporting organisations and activities that benefit communities and the planet, you play a vital role in creating impactful change. The Brands and Causes partnered with EARNT deeply value your involvement, and we trust that you will find fulfilment, enrichment, and tangible benefits through your experiences with us.

EARNT and the brands we collaborate with prioritise creating a secure and encouraging environment for those who generously give their time, as well as for the organisations, their staff, and beneficiaries whom we support.

It’s important that we all (yes us too) give our full commitment when supporting these causes and so we want to make sure you know what to expect from us but also, what we expect from you.

Signing Up

The activities expected of you are described on the EARNT website when you sign up and will take place on the date and time that you have selected.

If you can no longer attend at that date and time, we ask that you inform us as soon as possible so we can offer the slot to other participants and the Cause has the greatest possible chance of receiving the requested support.

No show’s are not tolerated and anyone who does not attend a confirmed event or slot will not be permitted to join any further EARNT events for 3 months.

We expect you to attend and complete the activities to the best of your ability and to follow any instructions given with regard to procedures and standards, including health and safety.

We will provide as much information as possible explaining what is required of you on the EARNT website, including how to get there and contact information for someone on site if you need assistance. If you have any questions regarding what tasks will be expected of you, please contact us in advance.

Rules of Attendance

We welcome everyone and anyone who wants to get involved to come and join us. By signing up with EARNT, you are expected to uphold ethical and professional standards while on Cause premises, during any Limited Drop activations, and/or when representing EARNT, the Cause and/or Brand in the community. The same applies if you choose to make social media posts that reference Earnt, a Cause or Brand.

We ask for all volunteers and their guests to:

• Be over the age of 18 (unless accompanied by a responsible parent or guardian);

• Treat other participants, any Cause and Brand representatives and community members as you would like to be treated yourself, that is with respect, courtesy and dignity;

• Be on time, and follow all rules and policies set forth by a staff member or supervising volunteer;

• Observe safe work habits and be aware of the health and safety of others;

• Be appropriate and respectful with any social media posts made relating to any EARNT activations or direct volunteering. Please ensure permission is requested before posting any images of members of the Causes, their staff, and their beneficiaries.

• Return any and all property or equipment that was supplied to you for completion of the activity.

• Leave the space as you found it, if not better. Please take all your personal items with you, do not litter and take all reasonable precautions to prevent damage at the sites you are working.

Anti-Racism, Harassment, and Bullying

EARNT has a zero-tolerance policy for racism, discrimination, sexual harassment, and bullying of any kind.

These behaviours include but are not limited to: offensive physical actions such as lewd gestures; statements meant to humiliate a person publicly or individually; the use of racial slurs or “jokes”; sexually explicit communication that is either written or spoken; any unwelcome physical contact with other volunteers, staff, or clients; any unwanted sexual attention; harassment due to a person’s race, colour, gender, identity, religion, language, medical condition, age, culture, national origin, gender expression, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.

If you witness these behaviours, you are required to notify EARNT immediately. If you engage in any of these behaviours, you will be asked to leave the activation, your ETY will be withdrawn, and you will be unable to attend future EARNT events. Where relevant, police or relevant authorities will be notified.

Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Use

Volunteer activities must be conducted without the influence of alcohol or illicit drugs. These substances are prohibited from all EARNT activations or on Cause premises.

If alcohol is served during a volunteer event or business function, volunteers are expected to conduct themselves in an appropriate and professional manner.

Tobacco use is prohibited inside buildings, vehicles, during volunteer activities, or at volunteer events. Tobacco products may only be consumed in designated smoking areas and disposed of responsibly.

Your Earned Thank You (ETY)

As a thank you for successfully participating with EARNT, you will receive an exclusive offer from your chosen EARNT collaborating Brand. You authorise EARNT to share your contact information with the Brand so that they can share this with you directly. The Brand reserves the right to withhold the ETY and prevent you from attending future activations in the following circumstances: (a) you don’t attend at the date and time you agreed; (b) you attend but you don’t complete the task to the satisfaction of the Cause; (c) you breach any of the terms of this Agreement.


It is your responsibility to cover your own expenses when attending a Volunteer Event, which includes travel to and from the venue and refreshments during the Volunteer Event.


We will provide adequate insurance cover for you while you are undertaking activities approved and authorised by us.

Photo and Video Release

During EARNT activations, photographs and videos (Images) may be taken of you by EARNT, the Cause, and the Brand. By attending an EARNT activation and in exchange for receiving the ETY, you give your permission to each of EARNT, the Cause and the Brand to use such Images worldwide for their own promotional and marketing purposes including on their websites, on social and in print media.


While participating, you may have access to confidential information relating to a Cause or a Brand. We expect you not to use or disclose this information to any person either during your volunteering experience with us or at any time afterwards.