The word "EARNT" in dark green bold letters on a transparent background.


Stylized text spelling "thursday" in lowercase letters.

“We've never been more ready for something different”

  • Why Dating?

    What we love most about EARNT is how many different reasons there are to get involved. Want to do some good? Really want that exclusive access? We got you. Some benefits are less obvious and getting out the house and meeting like-minded people is top of the list. Awkward conversations be gone, passing the paint brush or showing everyone the dead eel you found on the litter pick makes for great chat.

  • Why Thursday Dating?

    In their words, if you’ve got dating app fatigue, you’re not alone and what we both have in common is wanting to do things differently. Boring is not a word to describe Thursday or EARNT. Mad? Weird? Slightly confusing? Absolutely and we’re all here for it.

  • Why EARNT x Thursday?

    The point of EARNT is using energy that can be better spent, to good use. Instead of a queue lets pick some litter and guarantee those trainers, instead of refreshing your browser for hours to get tickets, lets paint that school playground and get the best seats in the house. So, rather than standing in a bar asking what they do for a living, lets get some good deeds done and connect at the same time.

I’m single and intrigued…

EARNT x Thursday Dating are creating a scavenger hunt with TreMap, the world's first global database of trees to start mapping and tracking trees in central London. We will be identifying and recording as many trees as we can with those taking part winning Thursday prizes based on tree finding objectives. There are prizes to day thank you to the most successful on the day and once we’re done, if you want to carry on with someone you met, your ticket will get you to the Thursday event in Waterloo (details on the app).

Why am I doing this for a dating app? Doing good comes in many shapes and sizes and we knew we could make a game, connect people in the most spontaneous and authentic way and make a difference at the same time.

This sounds nuts, I’m in! You’ll need to have the Thursday app to sign up which you can download here.

What is mapping trees? Using the Tremap app, you literally put a tree on the map

Why do we need to map trees? We all think the story ends with planting trees to save the environment but what we forget is that we need to look after the existing ones too. New trees take decades to start absorbing the same amount of carbon as an old tree and to protect those beauties we need to start with knowing what trees we have. Only 10% of trees in London are mapped so with Thursday Dating we will get tree protection going.

Can I map trees on my own? Absolutely, we actively encourage it! You just need to download the app and get mapping.

Sunlight filtering through trees in a park, casting long shadows on green grass.